50 Islamic Quotes About Mothers & Their Status In Islam

In Islamic teachings, mothers are accorded unparalleled importance, deserving utmost respect, dignity, and time. In fact, their status is prioritized over that of fathers. This emphasis on maternal value contradicts claims that Islam is extremist, as it instead celebrates the worth of women and mothers. The 50-plus quotes that follow cannot possibly distill the comprehensive significance of mothers in Islam or society at large.

Instead, they offer a glimpse into the profound esteem with which mothers are regarded.

Status Of Mothers In Islam

Status Of Mothers In Islam
Photo Credit: theislamicquotes

Explore the profound impact of mothers in Islam through 50 iconic quotes that highlight their esteemed status within the faith. As you delve into these inspiring words, take a moment to reflect on the extraordinary sacrifices your mother made for you and the boundless love she showered upon you. Recognize her tireless efforts and acknowledge the unwavering support she provided, just as the Quran, Hadiths, and Prophet Muhammad’s teachings extol the virtues of mothers.

Mothers Day Islamic Quotes and Messages

The Quran Quotes on Mother

The Quran Quotes on Mother

Hadith on Mothers

The Prophet Muhammad’s words on the importance of honoring one’s parents are timeless and universal. Three stories from Islamic tradition illustrate this point vividly. The first has the Prophet saying, ‘Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother’ (Ahmad, Nasai). A man then asked who was most deserving of his good companionship, and the Prophet replied, ‘Your mother.’ When asked again, he repeated himself before finally saying, ‘Then your father’ (Bukhari, Muslim).

A second story shows a man seeking guidance on building strong relationships. He asks the Prophet who among people is most worthy of his good companionship. The Prophet answers, ‘Your mother,’ and when asked again, repeats this answer. Only after the third request does he say, ‘Then your father’ (Bukhari, Muslim). This emphasizes that the bond between parent and child is a sacred one. The final story highlights the importance of showing respect to parents even in death.

When someone asks the Prophet how they should pray for their deceased parents, he advises them to seek Allah’s forgiveness and mercy, fulfill any promises made, and honor their relationships and friendships (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah). This is reinforced by a hadith stating that one of the major sins is to disobey one’s parents (Bukhari, Muslim). The story of Asma bint Abu Bakr provides a poignant example of this.

During the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, her mother, who was still pagan at the time, arrived from Makkah. The Prophet advised Asma to be good to her mother, demonstrating that even in times of conflict and upheaval, showing respect to parents is essential.

↓ 50 – About The Flawlessness of a Mother

↓ 50 – About The Flawlessness of a Mother

A mother’s unwavering dedication and unconditional love, despite the challenges she encounters, are truly remarkable. Her strength, resilience, and beauty are unparalleled, making her an exemplary figure in our lives. It is essential to acknowledge and appreciate her selfless nature, which sets her apart from others. In fact, we believe that mothers embody the highest ideals of humanity, and their qualities are worth celebrating.

We encourage you to reflect on these virtues by exploring Islamic Quotes About Love.

↓ 49 – The Bond That People Share

↓ 49 – The Bond That People Share

The bond between a mother and her child is often referred to as the strongest and most selfless, as it is founded on an unwavering love and devotion that is unmatched in any other relationship.

↓ 48 – The Endless Beauty of a Mom

In the eyes of a child, their mother is often the most breathtakingly lovely individual they’ve ever encountered. It’s not just her physical appearance that radiates beauty, but also the way she smiles, speaks, and even expresses frustration or anger – every aspect of her personality and behavior seems to shine with an inner loveliness.

↓ 47 – Not Your Average Easy Job

For many people, their daily life may not be as conventional or predictable as they expected. In fact, it’s often the unexpected twists and turns that make life more interesting. That being said, there are some valuable lessons to be learned from Islamic quotes about life, which can provide guidance and wisdom for navigating the ups and downs of everyday existence.

↓ 46 – From The Utter Islamic Point of View

When it comes to the joys and challenges of parenthood, mothers often bear the brunt of responsibility. From pregnancy and childbirth to the countless hours spent nurturing and guiding their little ones as they grow and develop, moms invest themselves fully in their children’s lives. In return, it’s natural for families to reciprocate with affection, admiration, and dedication.

↓ 45 – What All Moms Are Like

In many families, mothers are the driving force behind everything that happens. They sacrifice sleep, time, and energy to ensure their children have the best possible upbringing. With hearts filled with love and a presence that commands respect, mothers are often the glue that holds families together. Their selfless dedication is something that inspires us all, making them the ultimate role models for our future selves.

↓ 44 – The Many Roles That Mother Plays

↓ 44 – The Many Roles That Mother Plays

When seeking unwavering loyalty and support, one person stands out as the ultimate champion: your mother. She embodies the perfect blend of understanding, empathy, and unconditional love, making her the first individual you should turn to in times of triumph or tribulation. Whether sharing a moment of good fortune or seeking guidance during a difficult period, your mother is always there to lend a listening ear and offer words of encouragement.

As both best friend and most trusted confidante, she embodies an unwavering commitment to having your back, making her the one person who will never betray you.

↓ 43 – What Our Moms Won’t Do For Us

It’s impossible to overstate the selfless devotion mothers show their children. This unwavering dedication is so deeply valued by Allah that He has decreed a special place in paradise for mothers, effectively placing it beneath their feet. In essence, honoring and loving one’s mother with sincerity of heart provides the most straightforward pathway to this heavenly realm – a reality that cannot be disputed.

↓ 42 – When Mother is the Sole Manager

↓ 42 – When Mother is the Sole Manager

Regardless of her educational background, a mother stands out as the ultimate authority figure in her children’s lives. Having navigated the ebbs and flows of life herself, she possesses a profound understanding of what is just and fair for her kids. As such, it’s essential to take their mother’s perspective into account before making any decisions that will impact their lives.

↓ 41 – Why Mom’s Love is Eminent

↓ 41 – Why Mom’s Love is Eminent

One of the most unconditional forms of love is often found within our families, particularly between a mother and child. Unlike romantic partners or friends, a mother’s love for her child is not swayed by external factors such as wealth, status, or material possessions. Her affection remains unwavering, even when faced with life’s challenges and uncertainties. As the saying goes, ‘a mother’s love knows no price tag.

‘ It’s essential to cherish and reciprocate this selfless devotion, reminding our mothers that their love is truly one-of-a-kind.

↓ 40 – Quran and Hadith on the Importance of Mothers

↓ 40 – Quran and Hadith on the Importance of Mothers

With unwavering dedication, she dedicated herself entirely to shaping your life and upbringing. Her tireless endeavors should not be taken for granted; instead, strive to honor the sacrifices she made for you.

↓ 39 – Where Paradise Belongs

↓ 39 – Where Paradise Belongs

While some may view the concept of ‘paradise’ as a distant or even unattainable goal, the truth is that it’s often much closer than we think. In fact, for many people, the key to unlocking true happiness and contentment lies not in exotic destinations or material possessions, but rather in the simple act of earning the love and respect of their mothers.

This sentiment emphasizes the importance of cultivating a strong, loving relationship with one’s mother, as it is often this foundation that provides the greatest sense of fulfillment and well-being.

↓ 38 – She Raised You Brave

↓ 38 – She Raised You Brave

In the face of adversity, mothers instill resilience and courage in their children, acknowledging that it’s impossible to navigate life without a sense of strength and bravery. However, this doesn’t mean sacrificing emotional support; instead, they balance their nurturing nature with a firm foundation of values, providing solace and affection when their little ones feel vulnerable.

↓ 37 – Millions of Ways

↓ 37 – Millions of Ways

For kids, mom is the ultimate role model – a flawless individual. However, she dedicates her entire life to striving for perfection herself.

↓ 36 – The Contradicting Experience to Have

↓ 36 – The Contradicting Experience to Have

The experience of being a mother is nothing short of overwhelming, yet it is also accompanied by numerous sacrifices and challenges that women must confront.

↓ 35 – The Unconditional Love She Puts in

↓ 35 – The Unconditional Love She Puts in

As a woman transitions from being the beloved daughter to becoming a mother, she enters a new realm where her little princes and princesses take center stage. Gone are the days of being the apple of her father’s eye or receiving affection from her brothers; instead, she dedicates herself to nurturing her tiny humans. With every decision, she strives to prioritize their needs above her own, sacrificing personal desires for the greater good.

↓ 34 – Even Mercy is Unconditional At All Times

↓ 34 – Even Mercy is Unconditional At All Times

↓ 33 – Super Woman – Super Mom

↓ 33 – Super Woman – Super Mom

Mothers, like everyone else, are not immune to having off days. Despite their tireless efforts to care for their families, they rarely get a moment’s respite from their responsibilities. However, it’s essential to remember that even on their most challenging days, mothers remain the greatest source of inspiration and motivation for their children. Their little ones look up to them with admiration and respect, making every effort worthwhile.

↓ 32 – How She Taught you life

↓ 32 – How She Taught you life

A mother’s love is unwavering, transcending moments of joy or sorrow. She remains a constant presence in your life, steadfastly supporting you even when your actions may not align with her expectations. Her unconditional acceptance is exemplified by open arms that welcome you for solace and comfort, no matter the circumstances.

↓ 31 – The Eternal Meaning

↓ 31 – The Eternal Meaning

↓ 30 – It Goes a Lifetime

↓ 30 – It Goes a Lifetime

As the saying goes, the bond between a parent and child is unbreakable – a lifelong connection that transcends time and circumstances. It takes an incredible nine months to nurture the development of your heart, and even more remarkable, a lifetime to ensure its well-being. Consider this profound responsibility as you weigh the consequences of any decision or action that may impact your mother’s life.

When making choices, recall her unwavering dedication to your growth and let it guide you towards making decisions that honor her love and devotion.

↓ 29 – The Utter Status of Women in Islam

↓ 29 – The Utter Status of Women in Islam

↓ 28 – How Kids Turn Out Awesome

↓ 28 – How Kids Turn Out Awesome

When parents strive to raise children who embody the best qualities of themselves, they can take pride in knowing their efforts have paid off. A child who grows up to be an improved and refined version of their parents is a testament to the effectiveness of parental guidance.

↓ 27 – Why No Other Love Can’t Be Compared

↓ 26 – The Comparison

↓ 26 – The Comparison

While mothers are often revered for their unconditional love, it’s essential to recognize that the love of Allah far surpasses even this immense devotion. The Quran teaches us that Allah loves each one of us an astonishing 70 times more than a mother’s love, which is already immeasurable. This staggering display of divine affection underscores the depth and breadth of Allah’s love for humanity, encouraging us to reciprocate with humility and gratitude.

↓ 25 – The Infinite Contract

↓ 25 – The Infinite Contract

↓ 24 – The Most Deserving Entity

While it’s natural to feel a deep sense of devotion towards our mothers, it’s crucial to recognize that this affection should not be limited by familial ties alone. In reality, the people who deserve our unwavering love, time, care, and attention are those who consistently demonstrate kindness, empathy, and understanding in our lives, regardless of their biological relationship to us.

↓ 23 – The Curse To All in This Category

↓ 23 – The Curse To All in This Category

While it’s natural to have disagreements with our mothers as adults, causing them intentional harm or emotional distress can be a heavy burden for everyone involved. In fact, research suggests that children who are cruel or neglectful towards their parents can experience negative outcomes in their own lives and relationships. Moreover, the guilt and shame associated with hurting one’s mother can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and poor mental health.

It’s crucial to remember that our mothers have invested countless hours, emotions, and resources into raising us, and it’s our responsibility as adults to show appreciation for their sacrifices by being kind, compassionate, and supportive towards them.

↓ 22 – Quote From Hazrat Ali

↓ 22 – Quote From Hazrat Ali

↓ 21 – The Flawlessness and Value

↓ 21 – The Flawlessness and Value

↓ 20 – The Irreplaceable Entity

↓ 20 – The Irreplaceable Entity

↓ 19 – Something You Can’t Repay

↓ 19 – Something You Can’t Repay

↓ 18 – World Changes, She Doesn’t

↓ 17 – The Exchanging Door

↓ 17 – The Exchanging Door

↓ 16 – Mom’s Wishes Have No Competitors

↓ 16 – Mom’s Wishes Have No Competitors

↓ 15 – Kind and Soft Speech

↓ 15 – Kind and Soft Speech

↓ 14 – The Passing Time

↓ 14 – The Passing Time

↓ 13 – The Unpayable Payback

↓ 13 – The Unpayable Payback

↓ 12 – Eternal Love

↓ 12 – Eternal Love

↓ 11 – The Timeless Friend and the Support System

↓ 11 – The Timeless Friend and the Support System

↓ 10 – Outgrowing Nothing

↓ 10 – Outgrowing Nothing

As humans, we have an inherent capacity to form deep connections with others, and it’s a vital aspect of our emotional well-being. The idea that someone can ‘outgrow’ another person suggests that there is a finite limit to the depth of these connections, but in reality, this isn’t entirely accurate. While relationships may evolve or change over time, the emotional bonds we form with others are incredibly resilient and can persist even beyond death.

It’s a testament to the profound impact that people have on our lives.

↓ 9 – Praying Can Change Everything

↓ 9 – Praying Can Change Everything

↓ 8 – The World Against You

↓ 8 – The World Against You

↓ 7 – Of All The Rights

↓ 7 – Of All The Rights

↓ 6 – The Bigger Picture

↓ 6 – The Bigger Picture

↓ 5 – What Can’t She Do

↓ 5 – What Can’t She Do

↓ 4 – She Makes It All Sensible

↓ 4 – She Makes It All Sensible

↓ 3 – The Truest Example

↓ 3 – The Truest Example

↓ 2 – The Other Side

↓ 1 – No Luxury

↓ 1 – No Luxury

Quotes in Urdu with Images

Quotes in Urdu with Images
Quotes in Urdu with Images
Quotes in Urdu with Images

How to Help Your Mother on a Daily Basis

How to Help Your Mother on a Daily Basis

Take a moment to reflect on the incredible amount of effort your mother puts in to keep your life running smoothly. Whether she’s a stay-at-home mom or working outside the home, acknowledge the time and energy she dedicates to managing the household and your needs. Imagine how exhausting it must be for her to maintain this pace without a break. It’s essential we all pitch in to help our mothers share the load.

Start by contributing to daily chores, taking on at least one task and committing to doing it regularly. Assist with serving meals, cleaning up afterwards, and maintaining your own space – including making your bed and keeping your washroom tidy. Don’t wait for your mother to handle everything; instead, prioritize completing tasks as assigned and avoid prolonging the process until she steps in to finish them herself.

Make time to engage with her daily, sharing stories about your day and asking about hers. Share moments of joy and laughter, and show appreciation through small gestures like giving a foot or head massage before bed. In addition, surprise her with small gifts, hugs, and kisses, and remind her regularly how amazing she is and how much she means to you.

↓ Gift Ideas For Mothers

↓ Gift Ideas For Mothers

As the most important day of the year approaches – Mother’s Day! – it’s essential to make up for any missed opportunities to show your appreciation. If you’ve fallen short in making her feel special, now is the perfect time to rectify the situation. A thoughtful gift, some sweet gestures, and a dash of TLC can go a long way in making her feel celebrated.

To help you get started, here are some unique gift ideas that are sure to bring a smile to her face:

Personalized items with sentimental value, such as customized gifts or home decorations that reflect her personal style.

Fashion treats like a dress from her favorite brand or a good pair of shoes to make her feel pampered.

Practical yet thoughtful presents like a purse or a bag that she’s been eyeing.

For more inspiration, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide on the Top 20 Special Gifts For Mother’s Day for even more ideas and suggestions.

What to Do on Your Mother’s Birthday

What to Do on Your Mother’s Birthday
Photo Credit: etsy

It’s easy to forget to show our appreciation for our mothers, especially when we’re busy with work, school, or other responsibilities. But taking the time to surprise your mom with a small gesture can make her feel loved and valued. Think about it: when was the last time you got your mother a thoughtful gift on her birthday? Or went out of your way to do something special for her, like cooking her favorite meal or surprising her with fresh flowers?

If it’s been a while, now is the perfect opportunity to make up for lost time! Why not surprise her by decorating the house with her favorite colors and decorations? You could even bake her a cake or cookies to show you care. If you’re feeling extra generous, why not get the whole family involved and have each person pick out a gift for your mom? Or take one task off her plate and do all the household chores for her.

And if she’s the type who loves to relax, plan a fun evening with a barbeque or movie night – you could even let her pick the menu! Whatever you choose, I’m sure she’ll appreciate the thought and effort you put into making her feel special.

Islamic Gifts For Your Mother

Islamic Gifts For Your Mother
Photo Credit: modernwallarts

If you’re looking for a thoughtful gift to show your appreciation and love to your mother, consider these beautiful Islamic gifts that she’ll surely cherish. From spiritual to practical options, here are some unique ideas: a Quran, which serves as a reminder of the divine words; a soft and cozy shawl to keep her warm on chilly days; inspiring Islamic books that will nourish her mind and soul; or framed Quranic verses that add a touch of elegance to any room.

And if you’d like to make it an even more special gesture, just click ‘buy here’ to make the purchase!

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